



香港青年協會賽馬會西貢戶外訓練營 1.成立目的/使命 2.對像 3 marketing and promotion thxzzzz 十萬個唔該...最用英文...20分 ...最好用英文....


1. provides the general public, particularly young people, with social, recreational, educational, sports and leisure activities. 2. young people 3. Not only can the campers enjoy the fun filled activities, but also get the chance to encounter the beautiful nature and traditional culture as well. ======================== Jockey Club Sai Kung Outdoor Training Camp A Time Out for the Public 8 May 2002 What do you do on your days off? Go shopping? See a movie? Go karaoke? Play electronic games? Surf online webs or simply take a sleep? Feeling bored about doing all these? Below are some new suggestions for you. Have you ever thought of going out to countryside to take a deep breath of refreshing air? In a sunny morning, you can go canoeing or wind surfing, and try the challenge of rock climbing. In the afternoon, you may play basketball, table tennis or visit the exhibition gallery on nature education. At night, it is time to set a fire for barbecue and chat with friends under a starry sky. All these activities can be carried out within one venue, that is the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups (HKFYG) Jockey Club Sai Kung Outdoor Training Camp. The Camp, with a donation of more than $105 million by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust to its Phase II redevelopment, provides the general public, particularly young people, with social, recreational, educational, sports and leisure activities. Other facilities available in the Camp include sports pavilion, performance theatre, swimming pool and multi-media interactive teaching room. With an area of 14,000 sq. m., the Camp is built along the mountain in a tranquil environment surrounded by trees. At the coast nearby there are varieties of marine creatures and also a wet land with bushes. Within a short distance, a traditional Chinese village and heritage can be found. Not only can the campers enjoy the fun filled activities, but also get the chance to encounter the beautiful nature and traditional culture as well. The Camp has fourteen accommodation blocks with rooms for two, eight or twelve persons, catering for 236 overnight campers and 200 day campers. In recognition of the Trust's contribution, the Camp has been named after the Jockey Club. 放假的時候,你會做甚麼?逛街?看電影?卡拉OK?打電子遊戲?上網?睡覺?是否感到千遍一律,枯燥乏味? 你有否想過到郊外一走,呼吸大自然清新空氣;再趁陽光燦爛,出海划獨木舟或乘滑浪風帆,跟著嘗試攀爬高牆。下午和朋友比拼籃球,乒乓球,或參觀自然教育展覽廊。晚上則一面圍爐燒烤,一面細賞星星?所有這些活動,你都可以在位於西貢大網仔的香港青年協會賽馬會西貢戶外訓練營實現得到。 由香港賽馬會慈善信託基金撥款超過一億五百萬元,資助香港青年協會重建的西貢戶外訓練營,為全港青年及市民提供多元化及全方位學習的營地設施及服務。 營內設施齊備,除了可進行上述各活動外,還包括體育館、演藝廳、露天泳池、多媒體互動教室等。西貢戶外訓練營佔地逾一萬四千平方米,依山而建,四週翠綠環抱,景色幽美,恬靜怡人。近岸孕育多種海洋生物,擁有茂密的紅樹林濕地。鄰近亦有別具特色的鄉村及文物古蹟。各位營友不單止可以鍛練身心和進行有益的康樂活動,同時亦可藉著接觸大自然的機會,增進對環境生態、文化文物等課外知識。 西貢戶外訓練營共有十四幢獨立營舍,分別設有二人、八人及十二人單位,可容納二百三十六名宿營人士及二百名日營或黃昏營人士。為誌念馬會的貢獻,該營以賽馬會命名。

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