在"沙漠騎兵"這部電影裡 所謂的"小馬快遞" (十九世紀末期,美國中西部「小馬快遞」負責郵件的傳送工作。) 英文是??? 更新: >
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沙漠騎兵 Arriving in the Desert 小馬快遞 Pony Express 更多資料,可以參考英文維基的「Pony Express」條目(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pony_express): The Pony Express was a fast mail service crossing the North American continent from St. Joseph, Missouri, to Sacramento, California from April 1860 to October 1861. Messages were carried on horseback relay across the prairies, plains, deserts, and mountains of the Western United States. It briefly reduced the time for mail to travel between the Atlantic and Pacific coasts to around ten days... 圖片參考:http://img177.imageshack.us/img177/3967/ponyexpressstatueas4.jpg 圖片來源:http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f5/Pony-express-statue.jpg
到下面的網址看看吧 ??http://qaz331.pixnet.net/blog|||||【亞洲36588合法彩券公司直營 官網: A36588.NET 】 【 最新活動→迎接新會員,首存狂送20% 】 【運動→電子→對戰→現場→彩球 】 【免費服務 →電影區、討論區、KTV歡唱、運動轉播、即時比分、24H客服 】 【亞洲36588合法彩券公司直營 官網: A36588.NET 】|||||小馬快遞 = Poney Express You can view this web page for more detail. 2008-05-16 14:54:22 補充: Webpage link at here please click. 2008-05-16 14:55:12 補充: http://www.frontiertrails.com/oldwest/ponyexpress.htmE6B49AADAA1B1B7F