Trinidad 呢個地方係咪係古巴度??
trinidad 呢個地方係咪係古巴度?? 古巴有咩好既旅遊景點好介紹?? 如果要你promote 一個有potential可以成為tourist hot spot既地方,你又會介紹邊度呢?? 請各位幫幫忙,趕住做proposal~ thx 如有答案可在msn 回覆 : yokicheuk@hotmail.com
Chinese: 特立尼達和多巴哥共和國 ( 簡稱 千里達)(英文:Republic of Trinidad and Tobago)是一個位於中美洲加勒比海南部、緊鄰於委內瑞拉外海的島國。全國是由兩個主要的大島特立尼達島與多巴哥島,再加上21個較小島嶼組成,而全國大部分的人口,都是集中在特立尼達島之上。在二戰戰後掀起了一股殖民地解放浪潮,其中加勒比海原屬英國殖民地的諸多地區也在1958年時組成西印度群島聯邦(West Indies Federation)替獨立作準備,特立尼達與多巴哥都是聯邦的一部分,但此聯邦在牙買加退出後遂告瓦解,特立尼達與多巴哥合組為一個國家,在1962年獨立建國,並在1976年成為大英國協的會員。 全國分為8個郡、5個市和1個半自治行政區。 8個郡為: 聖安德魯 聖大衛 聖喬治 卡羅尼 納裏瓦 馬亞羅 維多利亞 聖派翠克 5個市為: 首都西班牙港 聖費爾南多 阿瑞瑪 福廷角 恰瓜那斯 多巴哥島為半自治行政區。 English: The Republic of Trinidad and Tobago is a country in the southern Caribbean Sea, situated 11 kilometres (7 mi) off the coast of Venezuela. It lies between 10° 2' and 11°12'N. Lat., and 60°30' and 61°56' W Long. The average length of Trinidad is 80 kilometres (50 mi) and its average width is 59 kilometres (37 mi). Tobago is 41 kilometres (25? mi) long and 12 kilometres (7? mi) at its greatest width. The country is an archipelagic state[1] consisting of two main islands, Trinidad and Tobago, and 21 smaller islands with a total area of 5,128 square kilometres (1,979 sq mi). The estimated population for July, 2006 is 1,065,842. The larger and more populated island is Trinidad, while Tobago is smaller (303 km2 or 116 sq mi; about 6% of the total area) and less populous (50,000 people; or 5% of the total population). Citizens are officially called Trinidadians or Tobagonians or Citizens of Trinidad and Tobago, but Trinidadians are informally referred to as Trinis and both Trinidadians and Tobagonians are called Trinbagonians.