European Lo-Lo short sea transport roughly concerns two types of goods flows:⊙ Intercontinental flows, where short sea shipping is used for feedering containers between intercontinental hub ports and secontinental ports. In these flows is only one European land transport leg(pre or end haul).⊙... 顯示更多 European Lo-Lo short sea transport roughly concerns two types of goods flows: ⊙ Intercontinental flows, where short sea shipping is used for feedering containers between intercontinental hub ports and secontinental ports. In these flows is only one European land transport leg(pre or end haul). ⊙ Continental flows, i.e. flows with both the origin and destination in Europe (or Northem Africa). Here there are two land transport legs in Europe. 感謝!! 感謝!! 請勿用YAHOO字典翻!!
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歐洲Lo-Lo短的海運輸大致有關物品流程的二個類型: ⊙洲際的流程,短的海運輸為feedering容器使用 在洲際的插孔口岸和secontinental口岸之間。 在這些流程仅一條 歐洲陸地運輸腿(前或末端拖拉)。 ⊙大陸流程,即。 flows with both the origin and destination in Europe (or Northem Africa). Here there are two land transport legs in Europe. 以上是偶ㄉ答案!!